My path towards my profession
My father always dreamt of being a doctor and quite unexpectedly I found myself turning this dream into reality. I am the first person in my family who chose a medical career and it happened to me almost as a miracle. When I was finishing school, I was thrilled with my brother’s student life that I observed as his little sister. My brother was studying at the University to become an economist and I was planning to get my degree there, as well. But… Six months before entering the University several medical textbooks came into my hands by chance. I read them and realized that I would definitely enter a Medical University. Moreover, I knew from the very beginning that I would be an obstetrician-gynecologist.
I chose the direction of operative gynecology to be able to help women be more beautiful and healthy and therefore, happier. I was fascinated by plastic surgery in gynecology. Then I also trusted the opinion of people around me who often told me that there is both lightness and agility in my hands. And I indeed saw it myself while working in a maternity hospital and after that in surgery.
Medicine came into people’s life to help. That is why whatever specialization a doctor has, the most important thing that brings a person into this profession is, in my opinion, the desire to help. Reproductive medicine now has moved so far forward and has given a patient and a doctor huge possibilities. That is why I am here… To do everything in my power for the people who want to become parents.
My education
2012 – Tashkent Medical Academy, General Medicine.
2014 – North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, medical residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology, department of women reproductive health.
2019 – Higher School of Medicine «Eco-safety», Ultrasound Diagnostics (retraining).
2019 – Higher School of Medicine «Eco-safety», Ultrasound Diagnostics (professional certificate is valid until 21/12/2024).
2024 – «Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, specialty – obstetrics and gynecology (accreditation valid from 23/07/2024 to 23/07/2029).
Further professional development
2019 – Upgrade training «Obstetrics and gynecology», North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
2021 – Upgrade training «Assisted reproductive technologies in the treatment of female and male infertility for obstetricians and gynecologists with a practical course», National medical research center for obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I.Kulakov.
2024 – Upgrade training «Obstetrics and gynecology», NMO-DPO.
2024 – Upgrade training «Application of modern technologies in aesthetic gynecology», Academy of Medical Education named after F.I. Inozemtsev.
2024 – Upgrade training «Topographic and functional anatomy of the female pelvis (dissection course)», «Skin Technology».
My personal interest
I was born and grew up in the city of Tashkent where family values are paramount. That is why I enjoy spending time with my close ones. I used to like handcraft: bead weaving, bead embroidery, crochet and knitting. And now I take pleasure in spending a free minute at my kitchen, cooking or baking something for my family.
One more thing I cannot imagine my life without is music. I enjoyed studying playing piano in a music school. To my favorite tunes I do housework, drive and even work sometimes. My husband plays the guitar, and we love singing at home, together and with our friends. A special occasion for us is when we have time to go to karaoke.
And, of course, medicine is one of my main interests that I put my time into as any other doctor does. My husband is a doctor, too, as well as almost all my friends… In such surroundings it is very easy to live what you love…