Thank you for your support.
We have now 2 beautiful children by your clinic.
Our second daughter was born 24 December. 3 weeks early, week 36 + 6 days. The birth date is 14 January but I got preeclampsia with hypertoni 160/100 and did eat medicine trandate for 1 night 23 december. And 24 December about 14:00 I come to the hospital due to contraction. After 1 hour and 45 min the baby is born.
Weight 3370 and 50 cm.
We did come home 25 December. The baby is very fine. I still eat trandate in 1 month.
You can see the baby and her sister Paris. Both are from your clinic and by same egg donor.
We wish all personal and the clinic a happy new year 2020! Your clinic is best!
Warm greetings,
Nanette Slattman and Rozh Najar
Dear Nanette and Rozh!
Congratulations to two beautiful children!
We met for the first time in one of our seminars in Gothenburg around 3 years ago and here you are — an amazing great family!
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