My path towards my profession
I understood that I would become a doctor when I was at school. At that time, the results of career test showed my abilities and inclinations, and I was recommended to continue my education in the sphere of biology and medicine. Probably, I could have got another specialty, as well, but I can’t even realize which one. I guess that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
I can say that my work requires a lot of energy, strength, time and emotions, but it is 100% worth it. I can confirm it million times. When you understand what the result of all your efforts is, when you get a nice ultrasound video with a moving fetus and then, a few months after — a photo of happy parents, you understand that you have an incredibly rewarding job. It is the best mission that one could imagine.
When I realize that I help families to become happier, to have a possibility to see their kids growing and reaching success in different areas of life, to hear «Mom, I love you!», my heart overflows with joy. I know how important it is to be a mother and to have a family because my kids changed my life so much. Really, I was another person before. My children made my heart bigger and brought a lot of love into my life.
I wish all our patients to have successful treatment and to reach the result as soon as possible. And from our side we will do our best to get you closer to your dream.
My experience as an egg donor
I became a blood donor while I was a student in the Medical University and wanted to continue with that after I stopped breastfeeding, but suddenly I found an interesting article about egg donation. I never thought about that and didn’t know much about this medical sphere. I started to read about it. I read more and more and became very interested in the matter. So I decided to visit the Clinic that was looking for egg donors at that time to decide for myself if I want to go on with donating or not. Of course, my family and I had many questions, we were worried how it would go and if it could affect my own health. In the Clinic I got my questions answered, but it took me some more time to do my own research before I understood I was definitely sure that I wanted to be a donor for someone struggling to become pregnant and needing egg donation. I felt that this someone might be waiting for my help.
I can say that being an egg donor was very positive life experience for me. I was surrounded by professional and attentive doctors and nurses and felt very well taken care of. How happy was I when I found out about the positive outcome of my donation! I was informed that the couple who I donated for achieved success and their treatment resulted in a long-awaited pregnancy.
I still feel this warmth in my heart now when I am thinking that somewhere one family enjoys being parents of their lovely baby. It means a lot to me. I will remember it for my whole life and will be always happy that I made the right choice when decided to become an egg donor.
My work in O.L.G.A. Clinic
Then, sometime later, I was offered a job in the international department of AVA-Peter Clinic (future O.L.G.A. Clinic) and started working in the egg donor department. I communicated with egg donors throughout all their donation process, from their very first visit to the Clinic. It was such an interesting process for me: I met a lot of interesting people, got a lot of useful information and had a chance to develop my skills. I was responsible for medical recruiting of egg donors, for checking their profiles and for the process of the ovarian stimulation. I was so proud by our donors because I saw how committed they were to the process and how worried they were about the result of the program. Of course, my own experience helped and still helps me a lot.
Several years after that I continued my work in the patient department of O.L.G.A. Clinic there I work now as a fertility specialist. Every day I answer my patients’ questions, check their ultrasounds and other tests and medical files, communicate with patients by email, conduct skype meetings, meet our patients in the clinic and keep consulting them after the embryo transfer.
It is such a pleasant feeling when after having been in contact with the patients for weeks or months by email or Skype I finally meet them in person at the moment when they are so close to their goal. It is fantastic! You feel like you know these people for a long time because they are in your heart, you worry and think about them as they are one of your friends or relatives. After the embryo transfer, we are waiting together (no matter that we are far from each other in terms of kilometers) for the day X – the pregnancy test – with our beating hearts.
My education and further professional development
2010 — St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P.Pavlov, General Medicine
2011 — St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov, Department of Therapy, Clinical Hospital of St. Luke, Department of Cardiology, therapist (internship)
2012 — State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Research Institute of Mycology, Allergology and Immunology named after P.N. Kashkin, allergist-immunologist (residency).
2017 — St. Petersburg State University, specialty — ultrasound diagnostics (professional development).
2022 — Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ultrasound diagnostics (certificate is valid until 08.2027).
2023 — St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov, Obstetrics and Gynecology (residency).
2023 — State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Obstetrician-gynecologist (certificate is valid until 27.07.2028).
My professional experience
Since 2023 till now — O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic, Obstetrician-gynecologist and Fertility Specialist.
2019–2023 — O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics.
2018–2019 — the Scanfert Clinic, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics.
2016–2018 — the AVA-Peter Clinic, International Department, Egg Donor Manager.
2009–2010 — Medical assistant at Emergency medical services, Saint-Petersburg public health facility «Municipal first-aid station».
My personal interests
My main focus of interest now is my work and my family.
But it always gives me nice feelings to get back to my childhood memories when I liked creating my own books. First, I invented a story, then I saw together the pages to make a book and wrote the story on the pages. Finally, I drew illustrations. All my editions were unique, and I liked giving them as gifts to my close ones.
I have always loved creating something that required quite extensive efforts and the results inspired me to continue and achieve new heights. I liked bead weaving, needlework and other pastimes that someone might find frustrating because of its meticulousness, but as for me — I really enjoyed them.
Almost all my spare time I devote to my two kids, to their development so that they feel my love and my support. We like travelling together and creating something new. Quite often we spend our free time outdoors: we ride bikes in the city or go to our country house where we sit by the fire, enjoy long walks and find delight in small family events. We try to enjoy every day together as the more love and joy is inside us, the easier it is to make our way further…