Our dear patient Therése Neaimé came to one of our seminars in Stockholm in 2017 and gave birth to her third child Lennox at the age of 48!
Therése has written a blog about this unique journey and she shares it with you: adoptanembryo.wordpress.com
Always follow your dreams and goals! The only regrets we have are the ones we don't follow through! Dr. Olga and her team helped my dream come true resulting in my baby son Lennox at the age of 48!
Being a mom for the third time was a long time wish of mine.
And of course I had my concerns.
Am I too old? Will it be possible? Am I asking for too much?
Meeting Olga and her team changed my mindset completely. Instead I started to see the possibilities of actually reaching my dream. Instead of seeing the possible difficulties, Dr. Olga pointed out and highlighted the positive. Such a different and fresh approach.
It took me only one visit to Olga's seminar in Stockholm to make up my mind. To go for it. Something I will never regret and which completed my little family in every way. For this I will be forever grateful.
I am so grateful that I had this opportunity! You are so lucky to have this opportunity too!
How would you feel if tomorrow you would have been told that this chance does not exist for you anymore? Would you have regretted that you did not take it?
You will always have this dream, now when you are in your 40s, and you will still have this dream if you do not let it happen, when you are in your 50s or 60s. The difference is in that when you are in your 40s this dream may still become a reality!
Always follow your dreams and goals! The only regrets we have are the ones we don't follow through!”
Therése Neaimé, artist, @thereseneaime, www.thereseneaime.com
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