While helping women to become mothers for 20 years now, I can see how lifestyle and self-care habits in women are changing. Today’s generation of women in their early 50s function healthier and younger than women of the same age 10 years ago! Many women eat healthier, exercise, take supplements and stay in great shape in their 50s. Their body weight, blood pressure, liver and kidney function are normal and with our care they stay so during pregnancy too.
đź’š O.L.G.A. Clinic has been helping many women achieve successful pregnancy and live birth up to their 51st birthday and has acquired lots of expertise in making this process safe and successful. Before becoming pregnant in O.L.G.A. Clinic, all women undergo robust medical examination by several specialists, detailed laboratory testing of their body functions and treatment if necessary to improve their chances and reduce their risks.
Today, based on the contemporary state of the ART and our own results, O.L.G.A. Clinic is going to increase the age limit for fertility treatment in St. Petersburg!
đź’Ą From now on we will welcome women up to 53d birthday in St.Petersburg!
Watch the record of our Instalive wtih Therese @thereseneaime, Dr. Olga and Dr. Anastasia to listen to Therese’s story and find out more about topic of having a baby in mature age from patients’ and doctor’s perspective!
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