Dear Friends,
I am sharing results from 47 IVF cycles with own eggs completed in Cyprus🌿 in April-Sept in collaboration with the best local specialists for 42 patients who came to us after on average of 3 unsuccessful IVF cycles💜 in their local clinics (0-7). All these patients have challenging medical histories and/or are in advanced reproductive age (mean age 39 years).
💜 19% of cycles (9 out of 47) sadly resulted in no blastocysts. These patients are coming back to us for another attempt with own eggs or looking into egg donation or double donation. We are helping them learn more about these options and normalize their feelings about them.
🙌 53% of cycles (25 out of 47) resulted in a higher number of blastocysts per cycle than these patients used to have in locl clinics.
🌟 In 34% of cycles (16 out of 47) patients got more blastocysts in ONE IVF cycle in Cyprus than in ALL cycles in their local clinics.
💫 129 blastocysts from 38 IVF cycles were biopsied for PGT-A and frozen.
PGT-A results from 70 blastocysts from 21 IVF cycles are already received. 30% of blastocysts (21 out of 70) are chromosomally normal which is exactly how it should be for the age of 39 → olgafertilityclinic.com/en/pgt-a/
🌟 The chance of live birth is 49% per transfer of one such chromosomally normal embryo independent of the age of the woman.
💡PGT-A shortens time to pregnancy and reduces the number of attempts till live birth because only chromosomally normal embryos are used for transfers.
❤️ This approach helps not only to increase success but also to offer women a friendlier way of fertility treatment.
🍀We wish success within the minimal number of attempts to all dear couples and single women on their journey to becoming parents.
💡If you have questions or need advice about how to improve your chances for successful pregnancy and live birth join Dr. Olga and Dr. Anna on InstaLive at @dr.olga.zaytseff 20 September at 19:00 CEST
🎈Please share this information with everyone who may be interested.
Dr. Olga
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