Dear Friends, thank you for amazing seminar in Copenhagen Island Hotel yesterday!
Dear Joan @joandivine, Susanne @susannehaacks, Louise @mon_det_lykkes, thank you so much for lovely speeches done with lots of inspiration and love!
Dear Marianne @mnjacobsen, Mette @mette2810, Elizabeth @elizabeth_hartmann, thank you so much for joining and giving our seminar attendants your attention and support!
Now it is time for our dear seminar attendants to prepare your questionnaires, ultrasound examinations and journals and send them to us for the in-depth analysis and consultation. It is free, but it takes time. Also, preparation of your body for successful pregnancy may take longer than expected. And our new clinic may open earlier than we hoped for. And it will be great if by the time of opening you are ready to go! Get things done in advance!
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