I truly enjoyed seminars in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Malmoe last weekend 🙏
It was so nice to meet so many dear couples and single women in our lectures and in personal consultations afterwards. I hope that all the essential information that we have provided will help all of you make good decisions about your future fertility treatment 🌅
I am grateful that many couples and single women who attended our latest seminars have already sent their ultrasound results, AMH tests and journals and some have already got suggestions of strategy and packages from us. Now I wish everyone the best and the most straightforward process and successful result within the minimal number of attempts❤
Dear Cilla @jagvillhabarn Ellinor @av_langtan_till_dig Jenny @jeyce24  Cecilia @baccaldi and Dalibor Julia @juliawigarde and Willy
Thank you so much for joining and sharing your experiences, bringing in inspiration and hope to our visitors. We hope your stories will inspire them not to give up and follow their dream up to reality❤
🌟 I am happy to announce new seminars!
đź’ˇ28 October 10:00 Stockholm
đź’ˇ29 October 10:00 Gothenburg
đź’ˇ30 October 17:30 Oslo
Please find information about location and programme here →
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