Marie and Erik, July 2023: “We heard about the OLGA Clinic through a friend that had…
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Marie and Erik, July 2023: “We heard about the OLGA Clinic through a friend that had…
Trine and Morten wrote to us shortly after birth: “Theodor is here! He was born Saturday…
Olga and Lars came to us after 3 unsuccessful IVF cycles in Denmark and got their…
Our dear former patient @kerrywellbeing has recently given a TEDx Talk about her journey to hold…
Admira had 7 egg retrievals in local clinics and never a single blastocysts. Later she had…
After having visited 8 clinics in 5 different countries and having done 8 IVF/ICSI cycles and 10 embryo transfers with own eggs, then 3 embryo transfers with donor eggs, Frida has achieved successful pregnancy and live birth on the first embryo transfer in OLGA Clinic St.Petersburg!
After seven years of trying, Costan found success with IVF and PGT-A at OLGA Clinic. Discover how personalized care and advanced treatment led to the birth of their daughter in January 2023
Lina @linaatteryd: “Important reflections I have made on my IVF journey, which started in 2019, are…
In our seminar in Stockholm 21 April 2024 @morotsliv shared about her 16 year fertility journey and how she became a mother using help from OLGA Fertility Clinic St. Petersburg
How many times other people’s opinions stopped you from reaching your dream?
“The entire experience with O.L.G.A. clinic made me send their contacts to women struggling to become mothers. They give you hope that anything is possible.”
“Lastly, if I could give advice to women who are considering infertility treatment, it would be Olga Clinic, because…”, — Mizuyo Nagano
Anyone who has been in the fertility trenches knows the feeling of uncertainty too well. It’s a lonely, hopeless place to be. It took us 12 IVF attempts to finally succeed and we are forever grateful that we found our way to St. Petersburg and O.L.G.A. clinic to finally make our dream come true.
Our dear former patient with a baby came — while being on vacation in Cyprus she drove all the way from Ayia Napa just to meet us and show us the sweetest baby girl!
In the fall of 2019, I went to my first O.L.G.A. Clinic seminar. I had spent the last 14 years of my life living in NY but had left my life and my boyfriend behind to move back to Sweden in order to realize my long standing dream to have a baby…
Dear Friends, thank you so much for this amazing Family Gathering in Oslo!
It was magical to see your eyes — happy content eyes of parents, full of love!
No photo can capture the whole meaning ❤️ No words can express all my love and gratitude🙏 Thank you Thank you Thank you for all this never-ending love and support
When I came to O.L.G.A. I’d been through a lot. I had lost faith, but they helped me to believe again.
…And a last note to others who struggle with infertility, don’t hesitate to consult with the O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic. They truly can make dreams come true!
I will always feel a deep gratitude towards Olga and her team for making my dream come true and giving me my beloved Elvira.
…I did. With the help, loving support and expertise of Dr Olga and her excellent team at the Olga Clinic. And in 2021, the year I turned 50 I got the most beautiful gift. Every day she shows me how life can be more magical than any dream. My daughter Iben Maria.
I knew in advance that after 35 years of age it would be difficult to get pregnant with own eggs. So had made a plan in advance as the project manager I am: own eggs in Scandinavia, own eggs at Olga clinic and then Donor eggs if my own eggs didn’t work, I had a mission to take on
Me and Simon can only say good things about the clinic. We have always felt so welcome despite our young age. They never questioned my desire on becoming a mother early on, as I felt they did in Sweden. But the clinic took us in with open arms, and then they left us with our hearts full of love and a baby in our arms.
Then we decided to contact O.L.G.A. Clinic… We got a very nice contact from the beginning. The whole trip has been a great experience. That it was even possible to travel as we did in the middle of a pandemic, it was incredible…
At the age of 29 years old I was diagnosed with endometriosis of 4th stage (the hardest one and incurable). And here then my Odysee in the name of pregnancy started: Clomihenum, 2 laparoscopies,3 hysteroscopies, removal of fallopian tubes, first IVF treatments, miscarriage at early stage and final diagnosis: premature ovarian failure and premenopause at the age of 35.
After 3 unsuccessful IVF attempts in a local clinic Sophia was told she had “poor egg quality” and “will not have genetic children”. Within 3 IVF attempts in a local clinic she has got just one blastocyst and no pregnancy. Sophia and Mattias have got 6 blastocysts and a baby boy within 2 IVF attempts in O.L.G.A. Clinic.
After we have been involuntarily childless for 7 years, done 2 IVF treatments in Sweden with 2 embryo transfers and 1 miscarriage… I got pregnant on the first try! Isak is here now and 5 embryos are left in the freezer at @olgafertilityclinic
“Dear Team O.L.G.A., Our dear baby girl Wilma joined us 21 May 04:58. This would not have been possible without your expertise, your encouragement and faith in a positive outcome. With your help we have succeeded in an almost 10 year difficult journey, in essence our entire thirties” – Madeleine and Sina
“Dear Dr. Nina, You were our doctor during IVF at O.L.G.A. clinic and I just wanted to let you know that our baby boy is here now!! You made the impossible possible!!! And we are forever grateful to the bottom of our hearts!!!” – Hanna and Andreas
Josefine and Fredrik have got their sweet little daughter at their first egg donation attempt in O.L.G.A. Clinic. To achieve this great success, Josefine has done huge preliminary work: she removed a large fibroid and lost 25kg (and Fredrik 45).
We are so happy to share with you the story of our dear patients Liza and Niklas who have got their long-awaited daughter Mira at the age of 43 with the help of IVF with their own eggs and PGT-A in O.L.G.A. Clinic.
I decided I was going to Russia. On the seminar we got a catalogue of new egg donors of 2018 and I fell in love with one of the egg donors, she felt so right. All the donors were really nice and made me feel really good about egg donation.
O.L.G.A. Clinic succeeded on the very first try with what no one else was able to do before. It took us 2 years and 14 transfers to get where we are today. Now we can finally start decorating the children’s’ room in our house.
Our dear patient Therése Neaimé came to one of our seminars in Stockholm in 2017 and gave birth to her third child Lennox at the age of 48!
Mikaela, instagram: @nasta_stpetersburg, @solmickan & Tobias Our journey, mine and Tobias’ began about 7-8 years ago and…
Dr.Alenas / the team’s professional skill and humanity gave us hope and courage to continue the journey to St.Petersburg. We experienced that they turned every stone to find the best treatment and that it was tailored and individual.
The only thing I regret in this fertility journey is that I didn’t find out about the clinic much earlier instead of wasting so many years at the Swedish clinic.
One year ago I was waiting to take my pregnancy test. And today, one year later I get to wake up next to this happy baby…
…And 2 blastocysts are still in the freezer!
Dear Eira and Karl, congratulations to your two wonderful children! It was a great pleasure to…
I have to say it was a really good seminar, very informative. They really seemed to know what they were talking about and the medical expertise seemed extremely high… @kiafia
“Thanks to Dr. Olga, Dr. Elena, embryologist Svetlana, our own coordinator Alla, nurse Katia, psychologist Tatiana, Anna Macarova and everyone else in the whole team, you all together have made us whole.” Monika & Andre
“On the one hand, this is treatment — challenging, cutting-edge and still experimental — but just…
Lina Instagram: @maybebaby_2019 It turned out that my AMH was as low as for a 40-year-old…
“For those of you who still keep in mind: “Am I really ready to give up my eggs?” or “How important is it to me that my child has my genes?”, Linda Ammitzboll
“With this text we would like to tell our story, so it may give others hope, but above all, me and my husband would like to thank you and your team for the greatest gift in our lives”, Hjalmar Stina and Jocke
“If you are about to do IVF abroad/privately in Sweden, my recommendation is to go directly to O.L.G.A. Clinic for IVF with your own eggs with PGT-A (PGS)”, Anna @Aingeborg
“We thank @dr.olga.zaytseff with her entire team for making us whole against all odds. THANKS we love you all!” Monika & Andre
“We are forever grateful for the fantastic help we received from all the staff at O.L.G.A. Clinic. “, Maria and Sebastian
“Our story, from Grebbestad to Saint Petersburg and two miracles!”, Susanne and Nils
“Frieda is such a cheerful baby. She wakes up and develops every day and the sense of my life is to see her growing, to support her and to love her unconditionally.”, Nicole
Christina,43, dancing salsa just 4 days before giving birth after the very first attempt IVF with OWN EGGS and PGS by Dr. Elena Lapina
“…When I left the clinic and walked down the Nevsky Prospect I knew I was pregnant — and the feeling was right! 9 month after her visit at the Dr. Olga’s Clinic Alexander was born!”, Ewa and Sten
“…I am a single woman and when one is lonely, one is very sensitive…You saw me as a person and I felt that you can help me…”, Birgita
“…If I would have known at the start, what I know now, I would not have done my IVF-attempts at my age as egg donation gave us result straight away. It was the best decision of our lives!”, Karin and Pedro, Sweden
“Three times I went to Russia to pick up some eggs. Six embryos tested by PGS and one was good ))) This little embryo was born when I was 44 and the egg they used was from me when I was 43…”, Susanne
After 3 IVF in Sweden, 3 miscarriages, Elisabet and Pär became parents of lovely Ester through egg donation in St. Petersburg
Gathering of Dr. Olga’s patients in Oslo, September 2017
After the very first attempt with own eggs and own sperm at O.L.G.A. Clinic 18 September 2020 Erica and Martin have completed their family with a lovely baby boy Adrian to great joy of the big sister Nowa.
Dear Friends, We would like to share with you this beautiful story of our patient Patrizia,…
Now afterwards I cannot understand my hesitancy of embryo adoption. I became pregnant on my first embryo transfer with egg and sperm donor.
Every day I pinch my arm in wonder. That I would have a sparkling, beautiful daughter that fills my days with joy and happiness, was something that I had given up on.
After a long journey which took years, I finally am a mother – and being a mother is such a trip, such an amazing discovery.
Never in my life, neither as a patient nor as a customer, have I ever felt so cared for, and for the first time during my 3,5-year process, I felt that how I felt truly mattered.
The best thing about Olga’s clinic is that they take care of you throughout pregnancy and are there all the time to make your pregnancy as good as possible. We have never regretted that we took the step and went to Russia.
I needed a team that was professional, honest and not least kindly and friendly. I found it in Dr. Olga and her entire team – everyone of them!
If there was hope for me, they most likely can help you. And you can rest assured that you have found the clinic with the best qualified expertise you can look for. They will do what ever is possible — within their power — to help you.
Thank you so much Olga and your team for making this miracle coming into my life. I’ve will forever be grateful to you!
I would like to thank you and all of the members of your team for all your help making my little family a reality, you are truly miracle workers!
Tone was advised to contact us by her acupuncturist Vibeke Fjeld and in June 2018 we first met at our seminar in Oslo. After having a personal consultation we have made a plan and by the end of the summer Tone was already in St. Petersburg…
Alla was my lovely cooridnator. Transfer was performed by Dr Elena Lapina in 28/02/19
You made my life meaningful and I can't explain in words how lucky I am!
She is pretty and healthy 3,5kg and 50cm. Delivery was natural, painfull but fine, started on it’s own :)
From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to say THANK YOU. We are so grateful for everything. You guys are amazing!!
Our second daughter was born 24 december. 3 weeks early week 36 + 6 days
Olga, Elena and Alena and all their colleagues are absolutely wonderful, caring and fantastic people who we can highly recommend!
I want to thank you and your lovely crew for an amazing job, help and support; we love you!!
Thank you for humanity and consideration, and for listening to us, and understanding our needs. You are the first doctor in our entire journey who asked me how I felt.
A journey that started 3 years ago has come to the next level. After many attempts in Denmark and a couple in St Petersburg. She is finally here. Grateful and emotional for this whole story!
Exactly one year later, my little daughter was born on Sep 22, 2019. Almost a little bit spooky, but of course absolutely fantastic!
I really admire you and your Team and all the hard work you have put into your new clinic!
After 2 unsuccessful IVF treatments in Sweden, our dear patient Tomas and Pernilla came to our Clinic! They got pregnant after 1st attempt and now they are waiting for the birth of their child!
I am so grateful for the professional team Olga has and the personalized treatment. I really appreciated the continuous contact with the coordinator, nurse, psychologist and doctor…
“My dear Olga — thank you for helping me with the ”impossible”. Thank you also to your wonderful team. It would never have happened without you.”, Mary
On January 23, 2018, Cilla made her insertion of the embryo that became her daughter Liv. An embryo with an egg from a Russian donor and a sperm from a Danish donor
“…Well the Millennium shift came, the year 2000, we all remember what we did then, right? I got cancer, Hodgkin's lymphoma… And when I stand here now 17 years later, you understand that it went well! Except for one important thing…", Hillevi
Hello! Here are pictures of my girl that I gave birth to 11 Jan 2017 after…
Deciding to go for egg donation was not in every respect easy and the decision was (and still is) emotional. However, when looking at our little child today, we know that it could not have been anybody but him. He is ours and we love him from the bottom of our hearts.
It took us only three months from we first contacted AVA-Peter til I got pregnant. It has been a beautiful journey, that finally went both quickly and smoothly.
Becoming a mother in mature age is your personal choice and we are here to provide you with all the information, guidance and support that you need in this journey. We will discuss most common doubts and concerns, explain the chances, risks, and processes for IVF with own eggs and donor eggs, introduce Combined Package, specifically designed for women over 40, offering a great opportunity to have both IVF own eggs and egg donation options available for you at the same time being sure of the final success.
Find out more & RegisterEgg donation is an easy and simple medical process with foreseeable successful results – healthy babies. The psychological aspect of accepting egg donation is significantly more complex, it needs information, dialog, support and time. Together with a brilliant therapist and our former patient Cilla Holm @jagvillhabarn, Dr. Olga is going to try to help you open the door to egg donation. Cilla became a mother using double donation in OLGA Clinic 7 years ago.
Find out more & RegisterWith participation of former egg donors who will share their stories and answer your questions.
Dr. Olga will join to explain the medical process for egg donors, introduce our Egg Donor Database and explain how to use it for your individualized egg donor choice.
We will focus on diagnostics and individualized treatment of those inflammatory, hormonal, immune and other conditions that may impair implantation and lead to pregnancy losses. The goal is to increase live birth rates per each embryo transferred and reduce the potential number of embryo transfers till live birth by optimally preparing the uterus and the whole body for forthcoming embryo transfer.
Find out more & RegisterNo more “What-Ifs”–Time to choose Your Life.
Join Therése Neaimé @thereseneaime at her exclusive webinar about later motherhood, solo motherhood, donor conception.
Our doctors will share live birth rates and obstetrical outcomes in women who received embryo transfers at OLGA Clinic at the age 45-46 and 48-52; they will also explain how OLGA Clinic checks general health in older women prior to pregnancy for safety of the mother and the child.
“You will always have this dream, now when you are in your 40s, and you will still have this dream if you do not let it happen, when you are in your 50s or 60s. The difference is in that when you are in your 40s this dream may still become a reality!”
Our former patient Frances @francescatherinae will share her story of 3 failed IVF attempts in Sweden with just 2 blastocysts within those 3 IVF cycles and 9 blastocysts and a baby within 2 IVF cycles in OLGA Clinic. The doctors will explain what has helped Frances become a mother; they will also provide a systematic review on the individualized IVF approach in OLGA Clinic using own eggs, PGT-A and money back guarantee.
Find out more & RegisterPsychological tools to support you on your fertility journey and help you navigate through fertility challenges.