My husband and I had tried to have children for few years when we found out that the only way for me to conceive was through egg donation. In 2005 We contacted a private fertility clinic in Finland and during the next 2 years went through several egg donation treatments but without success. After the law changes in Finland, the queue for donated eggs became longer and since I was already 41 years old, we decided to try one more treatment with the clinic in St. Petersburg. The queue for donor eggs was minimal and in less than 2 months after our first visit in clinic, we were told that the right donator (with matching details) had been found. In the winter of 2007 I travelled to St. Petersburg and had the appointment with Olga to get the fresh donated egg inserted. I was thrilled but of course bit sceptic too after gone throug so many treatments back in Finland without any luck. However, when I took my pregnancy test after 2 weeks, I couldn’t believe my eyes ! I was finally pregnant! In Autumn 2007, a beautiful baby girl was born. She will turn 1 year soon and its been wonderful year for us with lots of love, joy and happiness. Thank you to all the staff of the clinic for helping us to become a family!

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