Elin Renate, 36, came to us in 2015 after 8 IVF attempts (8 times stimulation + egg retrieval) in Norway and still no single pregnancy.
In Autumn 2015 we did our first stimulation, egg retrieval and frozen transfer. This resulted in pregnancy but sadly miscarriage. Still the first pregnancy ever and this was already good to start with.
In Spring 2016 we did another stimulation and got 5 nice blastocysts. We did frozen embryo transfer after hysteroscopy in April 2016 and charming David was born.
Another frozen embryo transfer after another hysteroscopy was done in January this year and we are delighted to welcome sweet little Benjamin to this world who came 29 September 2019.
When being 36 weeks pregnant with Benjamin Elin Renate wrote to us:
“Dear Olga, I have tears in my eyes reading your letter and watching the photos of your Team and Clinic above all. It looks so beautiful and professional! I really admire you and your Team and all the hard work you have put into your new clinic!!”
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