Ellinor @av_langtan_till_dig:
"I am convinced that I would not have my baby today if it wasn’t for O.L.G.A. Clinic and I am eternally grateful to all of the staff who helped me on my journey to becoming a mother.
I was waiting for my government funded IVF treatment to start but I wanted to know my options should they not result in a baby. If they did succeed, I had already made up my mind to go to O.L.G.A. for sibling attempts.
I went through 3 IVF treatments in Sweden and was left standing with no baby at the end of them.
The treatments left me feeling deflated and desperate as I had only managed to produce two blastocysts in 3 IVF cycles even though I had plenty of eggs for my age (38-39 at the time). The Swedish clinic did not make any significant changes between IVF rounds and seemed to think my only problem was poor egg quality due to age.
I contacted O.L.G.A. Clinic and was told to lose some weight to optimize my chances.
About eight months and 19 kilos later I received my individualized treatment plan for my first IVF inside a combination money back guarantee package. This package contained two IVF cycles with my own eggs and PGT-A plus 3 embryo adoption attempts, should there be no baby with my own eggs. The package offers 100% refund if no live birth is achieved after all attempts included in the package are finished.
There were no drastic measures in my treatment plan but it included, among other things, high doses of vitamins and supplements to improve egg quality and PGT-A.
In February 2022 I went to St. Petersburg for my first egg retrieval. It was the day after Russia invaded Ukraine and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned for my safety. I have to say though that other than being rerouted to Tallinn via taxi on the way home after all flights had been cancelled, I wasn’t at all affected by the situation and I felt totally safe at all times.
The egg retrieval resulted in 8(!) blastocysts. Already this result was four times better in just one treatment than the Swedish clinic had achieved in three rounds of IVF. After PGT-A I was left with two nice embryos that had the right number of chromosomes. In Sweden all 8 blastocysts would have been transferred, most likely causing a negative pregnancy test, biochemical pregnancy or miscarriage and heartache since the remaining 6 embryos had very little chance of resulting in a baby.
At the end of April I went back for the embryo transfer and 10 days later I was staring at the first positive pregnancy test of my life. At the end of December my beautiful son Mio was born and a 10 year long struggle to have a baby was over.
Maybe my case wasn’t very complicated. Maybe I just needed some minor adjustments. The point is that I don’t think any clinic in Sweden was willing to invest the time and effort to find out what those adjustments could be for me."

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