My experience with this clinic was perfect in every way. I researched many places, was on many lists learning from the experience of others and finally made my choice. My first try there was successful and we now have our own beautiful 18 month old son. He is healthy in every way. My pregnancy went perfectly as did his birth. I highly recommend this clinic and their team. They are highly professional, and most important, get results. In contrast to other clinics I tried, my doctor always was available to take my calls and answer my questions. Before going to Saint Petersburg, I had tried treatment for a few years in Belgium and Spain, with no success and a lot of frustration. Often the frustration in other clinics was due to mismanagement or not being able to speak with the doctor when I had questions and getting wrong advice from secretaries, which often led to very sad disappointment. Everyone at this clinic was kind and helpful. But in particular, my doctor was really an angel, and smart and extremely knowledgeable. I couldn’t be happier with them. Thank you for everything

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