Dr. Anna Ivanova

Obstetrician-gynecologist and Fertility Specialist


My path towards my profession

For me it is important not just to work, but to do what I really like as I believe that the success and result greatly depend on our approach to the process and on our emotions. In the field of reproductive technologies these things are closely connected:  the more we give ourselves to our work — the more we could get in response.
Pregnancy and motherhood are very intimate and personal concepts. For me, it is amazing to feel that I can be a piece of such a difficult path that the patients follow to become parents.
When I see happiness in the eyes of these women who have become mothers, I understand that it doesn’t matter how thorny and bumpy this path was because it is worth every step. At such moments I can truly say that I am emotionally enriched along with my patients, I share their joy and success.

O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic

I am a very meticulous and responsible person. Maybe it’s not so easy to live with such a character in everyday life, but in the field of medicine I consider these qualities very important.
When I came to O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic the very first time, my thought was: "Finally, I am exactly where I should be." Everything here was and is exactly as I imagined, dreaming of an ideal place to work. At O.L.G.A. Clinic I received everything that is important to me. I believe that the structured and highly individual approach to the treatment of each patient is necessary on the way to success. And to see in the patient, first of all, a person is for me the only possible approach in the relationship between the doctor and the patient.

My education and further professional development

2015I graduated with honors from St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, faculty of Pediatrics
2016Initial retraining in ultrasound diagnostics at the Training Center “Perspectiva”
2017Clinical residency in the specialty "Obstetrics and Gynecology" at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Center named of V.A. Almazov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
2018Continuing education cycle for Colposcopy at the Training Center “Perspectiva”
Continuing education cycle “Actual issues of ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology” at St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
2019Continuing education cycle in Gynecological Endocrinology at the Higher Medical School, Moscow
Continuing education cycle “Assisted reproductive technologies for obstetrician-gynecologists with a practical course”, at Scientific and Educational center of assisted reproductive technology named after Frederick Paulsen, Moscow

Internships in the framework of the exchange of medical experience:

2016Ihilov Hospital (Surasky Medical Center), Tel Aviv, Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics
2017Beth Holim Hospital (Yoseftal Medical Center), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

My professional experience

2015 — 2017Gynecology + ultrasound in a Medical Center "MediLife": outpatient treatment, pregnancy management
2016 — 2017Gynecology + ultrasound in a Medical Center "Mir Zdoroviya": outpatient treatment, pregnancy management, preventive examinations
2017 — 2018Gynecology + ultrasound in a Medical Center “Eco” (“BaltGas”): outpatient treatment, ultrasound;management of patients under VHI, colposcopy
2018 — 2019Gynecology + ultrasound in a Medical Center "Eco-Safety": outpatient treatment and management of patients with gynecological pathology, colposcopy, labioplasty and hymenoplasty, management of patients with endocrine gynecological pathology, patients with infertility.
2019Gynecology, obstetrics + ultrasound in a Lomonosov Interdistrict Hospital named after Yudchenko, obstetrics department: management of childbirth, patients at the antenatal and postpartum department, at the gynecological department. Conducting various gynecological and obstetric surgeries, hospital duty.
2019Gynecology + ultrasound in a Medical Center “MedConsult”: outpatient treatment and management of patients with gynecological pathology, colposcopy, labioplasty and hymenoplasty, management of patients with endocrine gynecological pathology, patients with infertility.
2019 – 2020Gynecology + ultrasound in a Medical Center “Granti-Med”: outpatient treatment and management of patients with gynecological pathology, colposcopy, labioplasty and hymenoplasty, management of patients with endocrine gynecological pathology, patients with infertility.
2020 till nowObstetrician-gynecologist and fertility specialist in O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic.

My personal interests

Both my grandfathers are sea captains, so maybe because of it I inherited strong-willed nature, love for travel and my life is a constant motion.

Throughout the entire time of my studies at the university, I was taking an active part in many student scientific societies: medical chemistry and biology, obstetrics and gynecology, and operative surgery.

I spend most of my free time conducting a healthy lifestyle. 
In my youth, athletics cultivated my love for sport and choreography taught me to understand dance. Later, Thai Boxing gave me confidence that I can stand up for myself if needed.
Social dance attracted me by its Latin-American sense of rhythm, flowing energy and opportunity to unwind and recharge batteries.

Skiing, in its turn, made me fall in love with the beauty and majesty of mountains that became my place of power. Now every year I can’t wait for the winter to come to open the ski season.

One more interest of mine is studying Swedish language. I do not only study this language, but I try to understand its character and plunge into its atmosphere. I am also very interested in the culture of Scandinavian countries: their mythology and history, the philosophy of their life, especially their attitude to the value of time. I have always liked Swedish language very much, and I am very happy that I can use it in my daily work!

Thanks to my hobbies I meet different people, and this is very valuable for me as every new meeting and communication is an interchange of positive energy and good vibes!


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Hotel Copenhagen Island, Kalvebod Brygge 53

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Litteraturhuset (Berner), Wergelandsveien 29

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Egg donation is an easy and simple medical process with foreseeable successful results – healthy babies. The psychological aspect of accepting egg donation is significantly more complex, it needs information, dialog, support and time. Together with a brilliant therapist and our former patient Cilla Holm @jagvillhabarn, Dr. Olga is going to try to help you open the door to egg donation. Cilla became a mother using double donation in OLGA Clinic 7 years ago.

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With participation of former egg donors who will share their stories and answer your questions.
Dr. Olga will join to explain the medical process for egg donors, introduce our Egg Donor Database and explain how to use it for your individualized egg donor choice.

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We will focus on diagnostics and individualized treatment of those inflammatory, hormonal, immune and other conditions that may impair implantation and lead to pregnancy losses. The goal is to increase live birth rates per each embryo transferred and reduce the potential number of embryo transfers till live birth by optimally preparing the uterus and the whole body for forthcoming embryo transfer.

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No more “What-Ifs”–Time to choose Your Life.
Join Therése Neaimé @thereseneaime at her exclusive webinar about later motherhood, solo motherhood, donor conception.
Our doctors will share live birth rates and obstetrical outcomes in women who received embryo transfers at OLGA Clinic at the age 45-46 and 48-52; they will also explain how OLGA Clinic checks general health in older women prior to pregnancy for safety of the mother and the child.
“You will always have this dream, now when you are in your 40s, and you will still have this dream if you do not let it happen, when you are in your 50s or 60s. The difference is in that when you are in your 40s this dream may still become a reality!”

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A systematic review on individualized IVF approach in OLGA Clinic with participation of one or several patients presenting their cases describing medical history and individual medical process.
Our leading doctors will explain to you our technology of IVF which enables us to achieve live birth using your own eggs even after multiple unsuccessful attempts in local clinics.

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Becoming a mother in mature age is your personal choice and we are here to provide you with all the information, guidance and support that you need in this journey. We will discuss most common doubts and concerns, explain the chances, risks, and processes for IVF with own eggs and donor eggs, introduce Combined Package, specifically designed for women over 40, offering a great opportunity to have both IVF own eggs and egg donation options available for you at the same time being sure of the final success.

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Media & Press

Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden | Text: Erik Nilsson | Photo: Linus Sundahl-Djerf | Translation into English: Maria Jeffs | Published 28 Feb 2025

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Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden | Text: Erik Nilsson | Photo: Judit Nilsson | Translation into English: Anna Svarinskaya

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Infertility Blog

Psychological tools to support you on your fertility journey and help you navigate through fertility challenges.

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Dr. Olga's Patients' Gathering in Stockholm

Dr. Olga's Patients' Gathering in Stockholm

August 2017

Dr. Olga's Patients' Gathering in Oslo

Dr. Olga's Patients' Gathering in Oslo

September 2017