My path towards my profession
Medicine for me is an opportunity to help, and being a fertility doctor is a great value and honor.
I took my first steps in medicine already in my childhood. I persistently treated my teddy bear and other toys. I even kept the clinical records of my "patients". And I really liked adding more and more new test results to each record, making diagnoses and prescribing treatment.
Now to be able to help people become parents is a special mission for me. This mission can be pursued only if one shows true perseverance and humanity. If I could show with one photo how the best job on earth looks like, I would show photos of my pregnant patients expecting their babies to be born soon.
The O.L.G.A. Clinic
The O.L.G.A. Clinic is the first clinic in my life where I feel that I am at the absolutely right place. It has all the conditions for doing your job really well.
There is a real team here. The attitude of colleagues towards each other is special: respect and partnership are things that I treasure most.
For me, O.L.G.A. Clinic is a large home where I feel the importance of my contribution, but only with my colleagues the result becomes possible. We are like parts of one organism and only together we can achieve the goals of the patient, therefore our goals.
My professional experience
2021 till now | O.L.G.A. fertility clinic, obstetrician-gynecologist and fertility specialist |
Since 2017 | Member of Russian Association of Human Reproduction |
2018 - 2021 | Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology named after A.Y. Krasovsky at the Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov, obstetrician-gynecologist and fertility specialist |
2017 - 2018 | «IVF Centre», obstetrician-gynecologist and fertility specialist |
2014 - 2017 | Regional clinical hospital of Smolensk, obstetrician-gynecologist |
2014 - 2017 | Private clinic «Uromed», obstetrician-gynecologist |
My education
2012 | State Medical Academy of Smolensk, General Medicine. |
2014 | Residency in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
Internship and conferences | |
2022 | «Gynaecological endocrinology – from science to practice» FSBSI Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductology named after D.O. Otta, Saint-Petersburg |
2021 | Scientific-research school on pregnancy and endocrinopathy, Endocrinological research center, Moscow |
2021 | International conference «Fundamental aspects of reproductive medicine», Moscow |
2016 | Diagnostic ultrasound, State Medical Academy, Smolensk |
2015 | Pathology of the cervix, vagina and vulva. Colposcopy. Russian Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education, Moscow |
2015 | Modern technologies in diagnostics and treatment of diseases in Gynecological Endocrinology, Endocrinological research center, Moscow |
My personal interests
Alongside with medicine, art has been important to me since my childhood: I was fond of ballet, played the flute and participated in theatrical productions.
At first, I devoted my summer holidays to the mock family theater. My cousin and I filmed various creative sketches. Probably, in theatrical language, this would be called etudes. We got incredible pleasure from creating the script, filming, and no less pleasure was during the demonstration of our creative results to the viewer. Later I played in a real theater studio, where I usually got the lead roles.
For the last 15 years my hobby has been photography. I like to catch in my frame the focus of attention which was noticed, perhaps, only by me. The main models of my photoshoots are my sister and my nephew. Children come out amazingly well on photos.
I also love nature. A special place in my memory will always be occupied by a small village in Belarus, where my father comes from and where I spent my holidays as a child. There was a gorgeous way to the river, amazing nature and fascinating silence.
My love for nature induced my interest in travel. While traveling, I embrace new impressions, meet wonderful people and this gives me a fresh outlook and lots of energy.
Although, since the birth of my daughter, my main hobby in my free time is my family. A day spent with my husband and our daughter is the best journey for me.