My path towards my profession
When I was finishing school I faced with a question of what I should devote my life to, which profession to follow. I was choosing between law and medicine and finally decided to enter the Medical College of Saint-Petersburg Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov.
The next three years were full of incredible amount of new and captivating information, lectures, and practical studies at the different departments of the clinics at the Academy. Medicine fascinated me so much that after receiving my diploma, I continued my studies at the University and received a diploma of higher education in the field of healthcare organization.
In the meantime, in 2015 I came across an advert saying that a fertility clinic was looking for egg donors. I got interested in it and I filled in the questionnaire. This is how I met Anna Macarova, the Head of the donor department of the future O.L.G.A. Clinic, who told me about all the aspects of donation and I made a decision to become an egg donor.
Over two years I took part in several programmes where I was guided by Dr Alena Egorova. While going through the stimulation protocol I felt completely secure and confident and I had a sense that I was in good hands with Dr Alena. And I also had a feeling that I was doing something very important, that I really could help people who were waiting for this help.
In 2017 the Head of of the donor department Anna Macarova offered me a job of a donor coordinator in the clinic and I gladly agreed to take the offer.
The O.L.G.A. Clinic
In O.L.G.A. Clinic I monitor and medically support our egg donors during their stimulation protocols. I know from my personal experience that the first thought about donation can be accompanied by many questions about hormonal stimulation, anesthesia, egg retrieval and the ethics of the procedure. I know that women, like me, often get nervous before their first program. But, on the other hand, donors are inspired by the opportunity to help someone find the happiness of motherhood. And it's incredibly inspiring!
My task is to provide donors with complete information, answer all their questions in detail and be in touch 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with all donors undergoing their donor program. Sometimes it's not easy, but I know why I do it and I know that my work is important; this knowledge gives me energy and new strength. And the best acknowledgement for my work is the reaction of an egg donor when we tell her that a patient is pregnant. It is very valuable to see this genuine joy, you immediately get the feeling that at that moment the world has become a little kinder and better, these are very pleasant emotions.
My professional experience
2019 till now — O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic, procedural nurse, medical coordinator of egg donors.
2017–2019 — AVA-Peter Clinic, medical coordinator of egg donors.
2012–2017 — Kindergarten No. 85, St. Petersburg, nurse.
2007–2008 — Sprots and Health Diagnostics Centre "Health of the Nation", dental assistant.
My education
2006 – Medical College of Saint-Petersburg Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, specialty – nursing, qualification –nurse.
2017 – First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov, specialty – nursing, qualification – academic nurse, teacher (retraining).
2024 – «Scientific and Methodological Center for Continuous Medical and Pharmaceutical Education» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, specialty – nursing (accreditation valid from 25/06/2024 to 25/06/2029).
Further professional development
2019 – Upgrade training «Surgery», European University «Business Triangle».
My personal interests
I try to devote almost all my free time to my daughter. It is important for me to remain her friend, who will give wise advice in time, with whom you can discuss difficult topics for a teenager: falling in love, events at school, and much more. Being a good mom and being a close friend at the same time is a subtle balance. For me, one way to keep it is to share most of my daughter's hobbies, which change frequently. Yesterday it was acrobatics, today it is ceramics, tomorrow it will surely be something else. Fortunately, I am a person with very versatile hobbies, therefore, whatever we do together, it arouses my genuine interest and brings me joy. The joy both from the activity itself and from the fact that we are doing it together with the person who is the dearest to me.