My path towards my profession
My career began at the dawn of the 21st century: in 2001 I graduated from St Petersburg Midwifery College, where at that time only girls could study. After the college I got a job as a midwife at an ambulance service. I worked there for three years and gained invaluable experience in the most unpredictable situations, often completely out of my medical area. At that time I realized that the profession of a midwife is not limited only by obstetric care and childbirth — it is just the tip of the iceberg as the professional sea is endless.
In 2005, I started working in a Russian-Finnish private clinic “Scandinavia” as a gynecologist medical assistant. I changed the extreme job of the ambulance for the peaceful and quiet office with a park view and I did not regret it. It was there that I met a marvelous doctor — Dr. Elena Lapina — and many other amazing gynecologists, obstetricians and experienced midwives. I worked with different doctors and got an enriching experience in communication and organization of working moments from various points of view. During my work in the clinic I often encountered unforeseen situations that required not-standard solutions and it was interesting for me to search and find good solutions.
Later, I was offered to join the Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, and it was love at first sight. It is almost impossible to describe in words how wonderful and amazing the world of IVF has turned out to be. At that moment, I met Dr. Olga Zaytseff.
Gaining many years of work experience, I devoted a lot of time to training, improving my professional qualifications, and also managed to go on maternity leave three times.
And in 2017, Dr. Olga Zaytseff offered me to become part of the International Department of the clinic, which she was the head of, and to work with foreign patients. I am very grateful to Dr Olga for seeing my potential and entrusting me with this work. It was both a wonderful professional experience and also a challenge for me in many respects, because at that time I did not use English in my profession.
And later, in 2019, Dr Olga offered me to become part of the team of O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic and I gladly agreed. For me, this was a natural continuation of the common cause started by Dr Olga more than 15 years ago. We began to work in the new building, located in the historic center of the city. After the renovation, the building seemed to me like a real magic castle, and even now it still has its charm. I am quite sure that "specialists-wizards" work here, helping to make the world a better and happier place.
The O.L.G.A. Clinic
In my life, work plays a great and very important role.
Helping people achieve their perhaps most cherished dream is a great honor for me. I truly enjoy interacting with our patients. Everyone has their own unique story, with which I discover a multicultural and wonderful world. It not only broadens my horizons, but is also very inspiring.
I am happy to work at O.L.G.A. Clinic with such a wonderful and professional team. We are happy, and sometimes sad together with our patients, but we never give up. We continue to fight for the happiness of each patient, looking for non-standard solutions, solving puzzles and doing everything in our power, and sometimes even more. I am sure that every member of the team is sincerely interested in achieving a positive result and in the successful treatment for each patient. Largely due to this commitment, as well as to the professionalism of the team, miracles regularly happen at O.L.G.A. Clinic.
I feel so at ease here that for me it is one more miracle!
My education and further professional development
2002 — St. Petersburg Obstetrics College, specialty — obstetrics, qualification — midwife.
2006 — Teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing
2021 — Modern aspects of obstetric care in obstetric institutions, specialty — obstetrics (advanced training).
My personal interests
My two main interests in life are work and family.
We are never bored in our family!
Together with my beloved husband, we are raising three sons. Now they already go to school, and it is very interesting for me to participate in their growing up.
And we also have a dog — a small poodle. We live near the park and I like to walk with him. This is a regular action that allows you to forget about all the worries and just enjoy the walk. And at home two cats and a small water turtle are always waiting for us.
If I have time for myself, then I enjoy reading, learning English or doing creative work. And, of course, I like to walk around the center of St. Petersburg. I am fascinated by the details of the previous centuries that connect such different and unlike eras.