Eugeniya Lovyagina

Patient Coordinator


The work that I love

When I first came to the clinic in 2020, it was as if I had entered the castle from the Harry Potter story: a beautiful building both inside and outside with numerous doors leading into the depths of the corridors. I also saw the coordinators’ work as pure magic: immersion in the patient’s story, connection of the story with the possibilities of the clinic, and the incredible energy from the anticipation of the further path and obtaining the desired precious result — the birth of a new life ... The coordinator becomes like a faithful assistant to the main character of the book, accompanying and helping her to comfortably bypass any obstacles.

Sometimes during the preparation for her treatment the patient due to some events in her private life needs to postpone treatment, maybe even more than once. And then her arrival to our clinic is a very special day, as if a meeting with a friend, because we have solved so many questions by this moment that we had become quite close to each other. 

I believe in the success of everyone who contacts us, because I know how high the results of the clinic and the quality of work of my colleagues are. This confidence gives me energy that I am ready to share with our patients, it is easy to fall in love with a clinic which you adore yourself.

Another important support for me in my work is asking open questions, as they provide an opportunity to answer in detail, and do not answer just “yes” or “no”. They allow the patient to tell only what she wants to share. For me this is an opportunity to understand what is important for her and whether she is ready to talk now or prefers to request information from me and listen to answers.

If I define my contribution to the process of treating the patient in one word, then it will be “comfort”. This is a warm confidential conversation, like two friends sitting comfortably by the fireplace in rocking chairs, understanding each other at a glance and even able to decipher what is hiding behind significant pauses. I believe that if the path is comfortable, then the goal of this journey will certainly be achieved.

Sometimes it seems to me that I derive so deep and sincere joy from the successful treatment of my patients, as if both the parents and their wonderful baby were members of my family.

The O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic

Our clinic is not only about medical analysis and consultations, but also about love, care and understanding. All of us are distinguished by a very caring attitude to patients and to each other. Therefore, patients are waiting for an appointment not on the couch in front of the office, but in a cozy library, where quiet calm music is playing. The clinic staff also work in comfortable and atmospheric offices. All this evokes thoughts about the simplicity of communication and creates almost homy comfort.

In addition, we have an incredible operating room and our own embryological laboratory, created in accordance with the latest technology and behind every door lies the boundless wisdom of our doctors, embryologists, nurses, doctors’ assistants who create wonderful miracles and most importantly the magic, the result of our labor is what happens 9 months after a successful embryo transfer.

My personal interests

Every day brings me pleasure.

In the summer, my husband and I love to relax in the countryside and spend time with our family. I appreciate the time with my family and the opportunity to share pleasant memories of our warm meetings. Also, nature always gives me energy: the aroma of freshly cut grass, clean air, the silence of the river...

In winter we often go skiing. For me every trip starts with anticipation Waiting is already a great pleasure. I like the general atmosphere on the slope: music is playing, people are happy, wind and snow are flying in the face, the adrenaline. All this creates an atmosphere of a real holiday.

I also do horseback riding. I like communicating with an animal before a walk even more than riding itself: feeding, cleaning, preparing all horse equipment. This is communication without words, based on empathy and tactility.

I love to visit the pool and swim. And sometimes cardio is important to me as an opportunity to listen to music and not think about anything. It’s an excellent way to make a decision, if you need to find a way out of a difficult situation, then great ideas often come while I am running. 

My education

2010 — St. Petersburg University of International Relations, Regional studies 

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Upcoming Webinars

Becoming a mother in mature age is your personal choice and we are here to provide you with all the information, guidance and support that you need in this journey. We will discuss most common doubts and concerns, explain the chances, risks, and processes for IVF with own eggs and donor eggs, introduce Combined Package, specifically designed for women over 40, offering a great opportunity to have both IVF own eggs and egg donation options available for you at the same time being sure of the final success.

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Hotel Copenhagen Island, Kalvebod Brygge 53

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Litteraturhuset (Berner), Wergelandsveien 29

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Egg donation is an easy and simple medical process with foreseeable successful results – healthy babies. The psychological aspect of accepting egg donation is significantly more complex, it needs information, dialog, support and time. Together with a brilliant therapist and our former patient Cilla Holm @jagvillhabarn, Dr. Olga is going to try to help you open the door to egg donation. Cilla became a mother using double donation in OLGA Clinic 7 years ago.

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With participation of former egg donors who will share their stories and answer your questions.
Dr. Olga will join to explain the medical process for egg donors, introduce our Egg Donor Database and explain how to use it for your individualized egg donor choice.

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We will focus on diagnostics and individualized treatment of those inflammatory, hormonal, immune and other conditions that may impair implantation and lead to pregnancy losses. The goal is to increase live birth rates per each embryo transferred and reduce the potential number of embryo transfers till live birth by optimally preparing the uterus and the whole body for forthcoming embryo transfer.

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No more “What-Ifs”–Time to choose Your Life.
Join Therése Neaimé @thereseneaime at her exclusive webinar about later motherhood, solo motherhood, donor conception.
Our doctors will share live birth rates and obstetrical outcomes in women who received embryo transfers at OLGA Clinic at the age 45-46 and 48-52; they will also explain how OLGA Clinic checks general health in older women prior to pregnancy for safety of the mother and the child.
“You will always have this dream, now when you are in your 40s, and you will still have this dream if you do not let it happen, when you are in your 50s or 60s. The difference is in that when you are in your 40s this dream may still become a reality!”

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Our former patient Frances @francescatherinae will share her story of 3 failed IVF attempts in Sweden with just 2 blastocysts within those 3 IVF cycles and 9 blastocysts and a baby within 2 IVF cycles in OLGA Clinic. The doctors will explain what has helped Frances become a mother; they will also provide a systematic review on the individualized IVF approach in OLGA Clinic using own eggs, PGT-A and money back guarantee.

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Media & Press

Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden | Text: Erik Nilsson | Photo: Linus Sundahl-Djerf | Translation into English: Maria Jeffs | Published 28 Feb 2025

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Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden | Text: Erik Nilsson | Photo: Judit Nilsson | Translation into English: Anna Svarinskaya

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Infertility Blog

Psychological tools to support you on your fertility journey and help you navigate through fertility challenges.

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Dr. Olga's Patients' Gathering in Stockholm

Dr. Olga's Patients' Gathering in Stockholm

August 2017

Dr. Olga's Patients' Gathering in Oslo

Dr. Olga's Patients' Gathering in Oslo

September 2017