My amazing work
I started to work in the O.L.G.A. Clinic in 2020, and already after a few months I began to feel that the Clinic and work in it had always been in my life.
And it is my great pleasure that since then my colleagues from my department have become like a friendly family. The pandemic and many changes followed by it (in logistics between cities and countries) taught us to unconditionally support each other, because behind our every action and step are someone’s expectations of happy parenthood.
At the same time, working in the Clinic became my personal challenge after many years in the tourism industry. In the first months of working as an Administrator, I carefully studied the medical process in order to be as helpful as possible to the patient in solving all organizational issues. And since then, my main goal is to give people who have never been to St. Petersburg, or even Russia, the opportunity to undergo treatment with a feeling of comfort and safety created by care, warmth and sincere attention.
I am a graduate of the University of Service and Economics, and my professional interest is creating comfort for patients. The result of my work consists of many small steps, each of which must be well thought out and efficiently implemented in my emails, conversations or decisions.
Communication and the opportunity to help are extremely important to me, so I strive to understand a person’s needs and take them into account during our interactions. I always try to listen to the patients, show a caring attitude and take deliberate steps: analyzing the situation helps not to go for the first solution, but to find the one that will take into account several interests of the patient.
I sincerely admire our patients: they undergo multifaceted, systemic treatment that requires great courage. Our team understands this, and everyone is ready to lend a shoulder or offer a hand for support. It is great that there are so many wonderful people in the Clinic so that if necessary, we can really carry the patient in our arms to their cherished goal.
O.L.G.A. Fertility
There is an atmosphere of mutual respect here. Even when applying for a job, I noticed that first they asked me questions about my needs, and only then they told me about the requirements of the clinic. At the end of the conversation, they took time to discuss with me whether the clinic was suitable for me and whether the described functionality was interesting. I am pleased to work where the ability to listen and hear is the basis of communication and the only possible approach to interaction.
In our corporate culture there is a place for making joint decisions: by combining each other's expertise, we become more useful to our patients.
I admire my colleagues as well: everyone here is in their place, everyone is a highly professional and responsive person. In addition, they are the smartest people, passionate about their work.
In such an environment it is pleasant not only to interact, but also to grow and develop.
This is a place where I get absolute satisfaction from my efforts, which makes me a happy person.
My personal interests
My main hobbies are related to my family and pastimes that are interesting to my little son: together we attend museums, concerts and theatres and all this arouses my sincere interest. I like to talk and fantasize with my son, without relying on scientific facts from the adult world. I love to enthusiastically explore the world through the eyes of a child and discover forgotten sensations in myself.
I like to spend time outdoors and to read. If these activities can be combined, then the process turns out to be fabulously enjoyable: reading or working with a laptop in the park in the warm season is a great pleasure.
My love for reading appeared after University, apparently when it became necessary to spend time in silence and alone with oneself. I love books the way they are, without preference for genre or author. Reading opened up the opportunity to analyze myself, to reflect, to have a broader view. This is the perfect way for a person who has valued only speed all his/her life to take a pause and suddenly fall in love with the state of weightlessness. “Pausing” helps improve the quality of life, like silence can improve the quality of words pronounced out loud. This is an opportunity to make an informed decision. And this is also a way to follow your true values.
My education
2010 — St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economic, Department of Service and Tourism, Sociocultural service and tourism (higher education)