The first embryo transfer should take place before 50th birthday.
Individual treatment planning and coordination, medical and nursing care at O.L.G.A. Clinic St. Petersburg, continuation of care via phone/E-Mail on your return to home country.
A price of 3 990 EUR for one blastocyst transfer with top quality donor embryo.
Confirmed donor embryo — a donor embryo, chosen by the Patient from the options offered by the Agency and reserved by the Agency for the Patient.
A blastocyst transfer cycle with donor embryo includes:
- Top quality egg and sperm from professional Egg and Sperm donors used for creation of the blastocysts
- Personal choice of at least 2 Confirmed donor embryos
- The second Confirmed donor embryo is chosen as a backup in case the first blastocyst does not survive the thawing; the second blastocyst may be created from egg and sperm of the same Egg and Sperm donors or from different donors
- The choice of both Confirmed donor embryos is agreed in advance and each of those is equal in terms of quality, potential success rates, individual patient’s choice
- Individual treatment plan
- Thawing and cultivation of a blastocyst
- Blastocyst transfer
- Medical coordination, advice and support before, during and after blastocyst transfer cycle
Possible additional costs:
Hysteroscopy — 1290 EUR
ERA test — 840 EUR
Individual laboratory tests