What is New in O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic in 2023?
O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic starts treatments in Cyprus in 2023!
We have chosen Cyprus because we can offer the same treatment options and money back guarantee packages there as we offer in St. Petersburg.
From April 2023 — IVF with own eggs and PGTA, hysteroscopies with ERA tests and in-depth checking of the uterine cavity
From June 2023 — egg donation and embryo adoption treatments.
The prices in O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic Cyprus will be 20% higher than in St. Petersburg because we will have to pay expensive rent, buy expensive laboratory services that we usually do in-house in St. Petersburg, hire additional specialists, ship donor eggs and embryos, and pay for trips and accommodation for St. Petersburg Team members traveling to take care of the medical process in Cyprus.
For ‘early-bird’ patients who wish to do the first procedure in O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic Cyprus in 2023 and pay before 1 April — the prices will be the same as at O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic St. Petersburg.
Egg donation and embryo adoption are anonymous in Cyprus, which means the child cannot find out the identity of the donor in the future. The law may be changed for international citizens in the future.
When going for egg and embryo donation in Cyprus you still can use all the advantages of Extended Egg Donor Catalogue with childhood photos of donors (and adult photos on your request), their motivation letters and family history.
O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic is currently preparing to launch the program of open egg donation in St. Petersburg. Open donor means that a child can find out the identity of the donor when having reached the age of 18.
- From the 1stof March 2023 it will be possible to choose open donors
- From the 1stof May 2023 transfers of embryos, created from open donor’s eggs will be possible in O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic in St. Petersburg
So, there will be both types of egg and embryo donation available in St. Petersburg: anonymous and open. In both types of donations patients can choose their donors from our Extended Egg Donor Catalogue.
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