What does OLGA Clinic do differently in IVF with own eggs?
Former patients of OLGA Clinic will join the webinar to share with you their exepriences of successful IVF with own eggs in OLGA Clinic after multiple failed attempts in local clinic.
Our leading doctors will explain to you our technology of IVF which enables us to achieve live birth using your own eggs even after multiple unsuccessful attempts in local clinics.
This webinar will answer the following questions:
- What are the most frequent reasons for implantation failures and early pregnancy losses and how to overcome them?
- How to achieve competent own eggs and viable blastocysts to achieve healthy live birth using your own eggs?
- What is happening in the eggs with age and how can we improve success rates in older women using their own eggs?
- How does genetic testing of embryos (PGT-A) help to reduce the number of attempts and shorten time to pregnancy?
- What immune, histochemical, microbiome and implantation window testing of endometrium can be done to increase chances of successful implantation and ongoing pregnancy?
- What steps does our IVF process include?
- How does our IVF process overcome each and every "reason of bad luck" and leads to success?
- Why can we offer 100% money back guarantee of live birth for IVf with own eggs to patients who were given up in local clinics?
If these questions resonate with you, please join our webinar and get valuable information which will help you
make good informed decisions about your future!
What do we do differently in OLGA Clinic to achieve successful pregnancy using own eggs in patients who have already tried IVF many times?
- We offer a live birth money-back guarantee for 3–4 IVF packages - so either you have a baby, or we return 100% money back. Our goals are aligned with yours!
- We pursue a holistic and humanistic approach to IVF, respecting the individual needs of your body, mind, and soul.
- We devote 6h on average analyzing each medical history to develop a successful medical strategy.
- We split your treatment into steps to focus on overcoming one reason for previous failures at a time.
- We create your individual treatment plan.
- We prepare your body for stimulation and monitor it closely to get as many mature and competent eggs as possible.
- We culture all the embryos until the blastocyst stage in the best environment.
- We gently biopsy and freeze all the good-looking blastocysts and perform PGT-A testing for the chromosomes to exclude abnormal embryos from future use.
- We perform a complete check-up of the maternal factors before embryo transfer.
- We perform an embryo transfer in a separate individually designed setting to ensure the best chances of implantation, successful pregnancy, and live birth.
- We support and advise you throughout pregnancy until childbirth
Learn more about every step at our free webinar, get a personal consultation and let us find together your own individual recipe of success!
After the lecture you will have an opportunity to ask your individual questions. The webinar will end when all questions have been asked and discussed.
To join our free webinar you need to register before 28 January so we can send you the zoom link 28 January
Looking forward to welcoming you in our webinar!
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